Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Why does YA attract racialismistic ranting?

why racialismise things? it just aint necessary.Why does YA attract racialismistic ranting?
You know when you get behind your computer and you can be anonymous, the real person inside comes out. People who can't be racist in person for fear can spew all their hatred safely behind their screen. YA gives them a platform to be heard.Why does YA attract racialismistic ranting?
Its not yA, its the people who want to continue doing it by asking ridiculous questions without doing some research. Also man its racialistic not racialismistic. But good question.


Very good use of the word, Its really sad that all these educated folks answering questions and asking don't look them up. Of course maybe they are just looking for conversation.
I have no idea i thought it would calm down afther the elections but i guess not sometimes people can take a subject and turn it into a rant .Whatever though .

is that even a word?
i think ppl on yahoo are racist anyway
lol racial.......ismise
Word does not exist
LOL. Never heard of this word.
Why are you making up your own words.Trying to confuse Americans I bet ?
I don't understand. They just don't do much about it
lol making up the words as you go along aintcha ?

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