Sunday, August 22, 2010

WHY are people on here always ranting about the police?

1. is it because you got a speeding ticket....for speeding

2. is it because you did something stupid and the police caught you

3. is it cause you have no respect for people who are productive members to society

what is it? really what is it?

or is it cause you a menace to society

WHY are people on here always ranting about the police?
Mainly cowardice. Most of these people are happy to criticize from anonymity on the internet, but are afraid of confronting anyone in real life. They get to vent here in the hope of making what they got in trouble for someone else's fault.WHY are people on here always ranting about the police?
I have a strong dislike for policeman. It's based on MY set of experiences. And no, I've never been in trouble with the police. It's just that some of us have had nothing but negative experiences with them. period. I can promise you that I wouldn't trust a cop anymore than I'd trust a random bum on the streets. I guess your set of experiences has been more positive. Congratulations.
Its all of the above. They don't take responsibility for their own actions and choose to blame us instead. They love to get on Y/A after getting a ticket and rant about ';pigs';, its too funny.
I would have to say their attitude. Yes that's my answer. Sure I've touched bases with those in law enforcement. But the whole guilty until proven innocent mentality is really old. Your third example proves this. How can you infer that those caught for some infraction are not productive members of society themselves without a mindset such as this?

Law enforcement officers are people out there doing the job they choose to do. There is nothing special about them they are citizens just like the rest of us scum that inhabit this country. Once they get over their need for hero worship. Maybe they in turn will give the respect that they want from others.

Yup that's all I got.

Have a nice day.
Some folks don't like police officers, and often it will be for the reasons you state.

What I find sad, is the person who hates all police officers because they feel they had a negative interaction with one or a small number of officers...

For whatever reason I've arrested a crazy number of accountants for sex assaults on children, but I don't hate all accountants, and I've been shot at by a car salesman, but I don't hate all car salesmen.

I think it is more of an anti-authority issue. Many folks I meet who have an issue with police officers, also had or have issues with teachers, their parents, their bosses.

I generally try not to take it that seriously, there will always be haters...

Well in my case I guess the disrespect goes back to the 80s when the Thatcher government used the police quite blatantly as a political tool to break the unions, especially the miners unions. This is not what I feel I pay my taxes for, I want the police to be a law enforcement agency catching criminals, and if they have to police picket lines and such I expect them to do it with restraint and dignity, not act like a bunch of Nazi storm troopers on krystallnacht. If you think I am exaggerating, try asking anyone from the Durham coalfields what they think of the Metropolitan police officers who were bussed up there. They left a legacy of dislike and distrust that is still active today.

And its still going on. Look at the recent events where 20 police officers raided the homes and offices of a Tory MP under terrorist laws because he had leaked some information on government policy, nothing that had to do with national security, nothing that warranted this heavy handed approach, just information about government immigration policy. How many children were being abused, pensioners being terrorised or homes being burgled while they were licking the backsides of their political masters?
I am not a lawbreaker. It is important to appreciate that the police force is becoming an army of traffic code enforcers. The sobriety checkpoint practice is troublesome for anyone who understands the Nazi beginnings. I have been stopped seven times during 2008 in a safe community by these brave warriors of the suburban streets. No, I do not drink, smoke, use drugs, or speed. I was in a traffic at 9:00 p.m. when a sobriety checkpoint roadblock was operational. An answer may be to just ignore it. Just like 1933. The police were intended to protect the public against homicide and theft. Not a universal traffic code Big Brother.
Because police officers suck. No, I'm not saying that the world would be better without them, because that would lead to anarchy, which is hard to argue for. Some of the time (but not all of the time) just being called a ';police officer'; gives people a false sense of superiority. Some of them see themselves as sort of a God figure, because he or she feels that they know what is best for all. Many times this leads to discrimination, and even unnecessary police brutality. Police will often violate the rights guarenteed by the constitution, and the sad part is, that unless you call them on it and refuse to give up your rights, they will most likely get away with it.

I also have something against people who are simply obedient, following out orders of their superiors, without even considering the morality of the law at all. German soldiers signed up for Hitler's army, for many of the same reason's that people sign up for the military here, mostly to serve their country. These people didn't know that they might be massacring unjustly, but when they got there, their obedience remained although it was clearly not right. This sense of duty often turns men into sheep. This is somewhat of a digression and an extreme example. I don't have quite the same prejudices against cops as I do people in the military.

You may feel a need to defend police officers and their bad reputation, but you will probably be as successful as trying to defend all politicians, because people see them as deceitful and highly self-interested. The truth is, there are good cops out there, as well as there are good politicians, but you can't trust everyone, not even the one's who chose a profession that is supposed to better society. Just like you can't trust all people, you can't trust all cops.

P.S. This is aimed towards Jakflak as well as everyone else who disagrees with anti-cop statements. I would gladly tell a cop to his face how I feel about police officers as a whole. Don't get angry or cynical because we oppose them. This country was not only founded on freedom of speach, but the framers clearly acknowledged that criticism of the government (local, state, and national) is essential to our survival as a democracy. It is because of people like us, who criticize when we see injustice and speak up when police take on too much power or get out of control, that will keep this country from ever becoming a dictatorship. As soon as criticism stops, a democracy will fail.
From prior experience, I would say its all the above. People who usually get caught doing what they are not suppose to, take out their anger on people doing their job.
Rita, I think your right, You struck a nerve.

Your question poses a lot of truth and many of these postings here are out of feelings against the police. It's every person's right to express there opinion towards law enforcement officers in a tactful way.

Its amazing that so many of these people are quick to judge the police, but when trouble arises, there the first ones they call for help.

Oh and by the way, you can rest assure that the police have an opinion about the idiots of society that you mention. The only thing about that, is they can't share there opinions like regular citizens, there held to a higher standard.

They rant because they have nothing better to do. Police are easy targets because we ruin peoples lives and destroy their fun times.

We stop them from drinking and driving we will not let them speed or run through red lights. We make them be quiet at 3:00 am so everyone else can go to sleep.

But those acts pale in comparison to what we really love to do while at work, read on and see.

We love to wake families at 500 am to tell them a loved has passed and stay there until a family member can come take over.

We love to be the last kind face a dying victim or even a dying criminal will ever see. We love to hold your hand and lie to you and tell you it will be okay as you bleed out in the back of the ambulance.

We love to find suicide victims days after they die , we love to dig up rotted bodies and dive underwater to find drowning victims.

We will hold your hair out of your face as you puke up your guts after your first time drinking. We will get you to safety after a bad date or an abusive husband or boyfriend has pounded the face off you.

We will find your 5 year old kid lost in the woods and bring him home .

We will work past our shift end when there is a disaster or a bad car wreck and will hold blood donor clinics to keep the blood supply up.

We do all those things because we are obnoxious PIGS who love to intrude into your lives because our own families do well without us being there for them.

We do these things because we have no feelings no nightmares no fear. We are robots so go ahead mock us, scorn us, revile us but when you are in deep, deep trouble call 911 because you know we can take care of the big stuff while you whine about the little stuff.
Your question seems less an honest question than a one-sided prejudgment of the people to whom you refer. That being the case, I find it hard to have sympathy for your point of view.

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