Friday, August 20, 2010

The Right is ranting about ';Earmarks'; yet 6 ot of 10 Senators were Republicans that requested the most?

Doesn't give much credit to the people on the Right,who are still complaining about pork spending, does it now?

I wonder if Fox news will report this?The Right is ranting about ';Earmarks'; yet 6 ot of 10 Senators were Republicans that requested the most?
Sure, so much hypocrisy, especially on the left, who cry big government and then perpetuate it when they get into power.

Of course fox news will cover it, That's the big difference between the right and the left, the left will condone anything one of their own does, the right generally speaking will not.The Right is ranting about ';Earmarks'; yet 6 ot of 10 Senators were Republicans that requested the most?
When Democrat Barack Obama ran for President he said there would be NO earmarks in his administration. That's NO. Then the very first budget he signs has 8000 of them.

The Republican Senators and Congressmen that requested earmarks did not campaign on the promise of making no requests for earmarks and they do not control either the Senate or Congress the Democrats do.

The President is a Democrat

The President promised NO EARMARKS

The Democrats controll the house.

The Democrats control the Senate

The Democrats wrote the budget

The Democrats passed the bill

Where is your confusion?
How many of the unconstitutional, pandering earmarks were stuck in by Republicans who promised to end the practice of earmarks? NONE!

How many were approved by the DEMOCRAT who promised to end earmarks? More than 9000.

Next idiotic question.

Noah, I don't care how ';endangered'; some rat is. Where in the Constitution of the United States do you find the authority for the federal government to spend TAX DOLLARS, EARNED BY AND STOLEN FROM WORKING AMERICANS, on its ';protection';? ';Earmarks'; and ';pork'; are terms used to refer to the unconstituttional items members of congress throw money at so they can get re-elected. None of these items would stand a test of being forced to be introduced as a single bill.
Not to be the guy that throws cold water on the issue, but 'earmarks' and 'pork' are buzzwords that have zero bearing on objective reality. You could make the argument that ALL government spending is 'pork'. Picking out one thing or a dozen things and holding them up as examples of wasteful spending obscures the entire of point of the exercise. The point is to get money into places where there is no money. At this point we have the 'supply', but we have no 'effective demand'. There's no effective demand BECAUSE there's no purchasing power in the economy. If there was we wouldn't be having this conversation. Spending a few million to save 'a mouse' in San Francisco as the right wing radio dummies keep harping on, (acutally its an endangered eco-system) may sound 'wasteful', but in the real world none of that money will vanish. ALL of it will be be spent and become wages, profits, savings, investment capital and finally taxes. Thus.....the economy will be 'stimulated'. Money will change hands rapidly.....the velocity of money....and aggreate demand will increase. Of course a better way would be to get out from under the current trade deals that have screwed the American wage-earner for the last several decades, collect all the back taxes due from the individuals and corporations that managed to stash big bucks in offshore banks, get the 'rich' to pay three more percent in taxes...oh horrors!... cut our bloated military and stop both of these loser wars so we can stop borrowing money from China. Then, we could build that fence along our southern border, move rapidly into 21st century power production, fund our schools, provide for Universal health INSURANCE and all the other things that a first world country should be doing. Will President Obama be able to pull this off? Stay tuned...but not to FOX and right wing radio....stay tuned to objective reality. That's the ticket! No kiddin'!
Have you been paying attention to anything? Wake up! Seriously, wake the bloom' up! There are no differences between these political parties when it comes to working on the budget. Congress is absolutely infested with members of the World Bank and those that aren't part of it are paid off by them to vote in any which-way. Haven't you noticed that absolutely everything that they have done has been immoral and ultimately robbing the taxpayers of their money? As soon as you accept that congress isn't a game of capture the flag between the Democrats and Republicans, your life will be just that much easier.
We all know about that...even the right wing monkeys but we need to talk about the people who were in Gitmo who had their ';parts'; sliced with razors etc. Kidnapped is - maybe one thing - but sliced is another...BTW He was ';just'; released without charge just like another 1000 people who were tossed in jail for the goofballs that believed in BUSH and 911 stuff. Those PEOPLE deserve our pity and God knows what.
I see you graduated the Obama fuzzy math class or just twisting the truth like Liberals usually do. Either way, that is not true
WRONG. 40% of earmarks were Republicans. get your facts straight. and I'm not happy with them either but if Congress doesnt earmark the money the executive branch will and then we'll never know where it went
your a dumbass get your facts straight

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