Sunday, August 22, 2010

Why do Republicans keep ranting on Obama, don't they know the election is over and he won?

Are you seriously asking this when you have 40 questions since wednesday bashing republicans?

EDIT My mistake it actually took you a month to spew all that venomous hate.Why do Republicans keep ranting on Obama, don't they know the election is over and he won?
because there ignorant and they have nothing better to do than rant about and critize him because he is a BLACK one wants to admit it but that is the real reason why they dont like him..there so set in their ways about WHITE AMERICA..but its not black peoples fault that we were enslaved here its not the native americans fault there are barely any left because WHITE AMERICA slautered there a sses after they taught them the ways of the land and were being good people..sorry to get racial but its the truth republicans dont like the fact that a minority is in the white house..if obama were white i dont think there would be the same arguments..but its too late let them rant they'll get sick of hearing themselves talk becuase no one esle is listening Why do Republicans keep ranting on Obama, don't they know the election is over and he won?
Because people don't care about who wins or who loses. The McCain supporters and/or Obama-bashers (sometimes they're not the same people, believe it or not) will continue to bash Obama.

Don't act like it wouldn't be just the opposite had McCain won. I guarantee you that you'd find just as many people--or more--';ranting on'; McCain.

-IMP ;) :)
When you have no real accomplishments in your life except running for political office, then as soon as you win, you do nothing but start campaigning for the next higher position without accomplishing anything in the current one, people have a right to legitimate concern over how you are going to govern or even if you will attempt to govern before embarking on your next political campaign. It seems we saw a hint of this in Obama's victory speech and first press conference. He said he may not be able to get there in one term.... sounds to me like the first campaign speech for re-election. So what is he going to campaign for next? Secretary General of the UN or President of the New World Federation? I think he gave that speech in Berlin already.

I can't believe how much wining is going on among Obama supporters, acting like we are going to take away their koolaid.... you should realize that we can't take it away. You already drank it....
People do not know issues so they keep on carrying on about muslims and idiotic nonsense as if it is going to get something accomplished. There are tow divisions in this country, those that vote knowing and learning the issues and those hearing what they are seeking out to hear, nad trying to do what is done to them push it down others throats because they permitted it to happen to them. Eyes without a face
Why are liberals ranting at all? Shouldn't you all be out celebrating? The hate toward Palin is swelling even after all is said and done. How is it that you still feel threatened by the GOP even though the Democrats have run away with this thing? Can it be because you realize it's only a matter of time before you're proven a fool for voting this guy in?
It wouldn't do any good to tell you. You guys are all so blind. If you voted for a guy who won't salute the flag because he doesn't want to ';appear to be taking sides';, his membership in a racist church for 20 years, his terrorist friends and his own words didn't move you away from him nothing will.

you reap what you have sown
Who's ranting on Obama?? If anything, the democrats keep hold news flashes every time the guy sneezes!!!

Yes, we know the election is over. Now let's move on to some real business!!
I'm a republican and have accepted Obama as the future president. I don't like it but have no choice but to give him a chance.

i Know right lol;_ylt=AtwpGTRiAkNp.HDRMj8sNrvsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20081108205726AAXRucn
Why do Dems keep ranting on Obama and how he won and how Repubs should ';get over it?';

Don't they know the election is over?
I do not anticipate the ranting stopping anytime soon because we live in perilous times.

I also know that there are people who do not agree with Obama who wil wait to see what he does next.
lol Just because Obama won doesn't mean that we trust him. WE DON'T TRUST HIM. I know he is my president and I will pray for him. I still disagree with him on almost every issue though.
no sh*t we know the election is over...we are saying Obama gonna be a disaster that's all...and we are entitled to our own opinions so too bad if you disagree with us.
They don't. The election is over and yet the Democrats keep ranting on Sarah Palin.
Maybe it's over and he won, but there are horrifying unsure days to come with him in office.
I thought the election was this coming Tuesday. Wow, I guess I'll stop ranting now.
Let's see how many Republicans come in and turn this into an issue with Democrats...
Oh, like the No on 8 supporters in California. Don't they realize that Yes on 8 passed?
It's like the slaves being freed,,,,they didn't except it right away,,,,give them some time to vent.......
The same reason why democrats ';ranted'; (understatement) over bush
I guess you could say the same thing over prop 8 in CA. And it was voted on TWICE in 8 years!!
Not ranting. Think fast...what positions make up the Presidential cabinet?
He won,No ranting,You were warned.
UNCLE WILLIE said it best!
They know it better
Same reason that libs ranted about Bush for eight years
Until Barry makes opinions illegal...I will exercise my rights to mine
Nope...they live in the dark...if they only knew half of what Bush has done, the would welcome Obama gladly!
Don't worry, they're still in denial. It'll really hit them come January.
I don't think they've realized it yet.

They are still in denial mode.

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