Sunday, August 22, 2010

Has Bill O'Reilly ever let a person finish a sentence in his interviews/debates/rants?

Without that person having to yell over him?

Or is it less sensational that way?Has Bill O'Reilly ever let a person finish a sentence in his interviews/debates/rants?
I believe sometimes he has people he agrees with on.Has Bill O'Reilly ever let a person finish a sentence in his interviews/debates/rants?
LOL Excellent question. And no, he doesn't because he really isn't interested in their answers.

Did you know O'Reilly wrote a book (fiction) about how a disgruntled journalist takes revenge on a television network by systematically murdering everyone in the network? (The story very closely mirrors his own, by the way, sans the bloodshed.) Psycopathy, anyone?…
Is he religious? More specifically, is he a religious fundamentalist? If so there's your answer right there girlie! Religious Fundies NEVER let you finish a sentence because in the Fundies head, only THEIR words, opinions, beliefs, and ideals matter and no one else.

Just look at Fred Phelps, Pat Robinson, my SISTER, need a I go on?

BTW, you newest avatar looks fabulous and hot! Girlie, You look so good I'm gonna take you home and sop you up with a biscuit. Yee-haw!
I still laugh everytime NPR plays the tape of O'Really storming out of ';Fresh Air'; with Terri Gross. Talk about thin skin: Terri Gross as hard hitting assault interviewer!
I think it's a rule at FOCKS News.

A true journalist would be more interested in the other person's answers than his own questions.
Apparently his guests are just props. Maybe he should just use cardboard cut-outs.
Yes he has though is not necessarily the norm.
Only people he agrees with, and not that often at that, either
Maybe because his viewers can't hear well or maybe he's just rude
Yes. Olbermann never lets anyone with different opinions than him go on his show. What a wuss.
of course not
never heard of him.. what channel does he takeover
If they speak truthfully they are allowed to finish but those that try to twist the truth are cut off as should be.
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