Thursday, July 29, 2010

Why do we hear rants about pedophiles, when smokers are slowly killing their own kids by smoking in the house,

and in their vehicles while the kids are there? Are we supposed to hate strangers, but forgive the parents and other older relatives that abuse kids they are related to by smoking.Why do we hear rants about pedophiles, when smokers are slowly killing their own kids by smoking in the house,
You are kidding, right? There is no comparison you idiot. What are you a pedophile and just want an excuse? SICKO!!!Why do we hear rants about pedophiles, when smokers are slowly killing their own kids by smoking in the house,
While I can't see the comparison, I do appreciate that parents that smoke around their children should be considered murderers.

Did you know that a mother that smokes while she is pregnant creates a 78% chance of her child being a drug addict as well as a smoker. There is also an 87% chance that the child will have ADHD.

By the way, I have never smoked a day in my life. I have never worked in polluted cities, but have had 2 bouts of throat cancer. My family have all quit smoking because of this...

Yes, secondhand smoke does cause cancer. They (Scientists) have shown this over and over again.
Wait... I want to make sure I understand your position.

You are saying there is no moral difference between someone smoking around their child and someone sexually abusing their child?!

I'm sorry, I can't agree with you. Yes, smoking around your children is not healthy. But to equate the damage done by secondhand smoke to the damage done by sexual abuse is completely ridiculuous.
Honey society has tricked you, people have smoked since the age of days, folks used to roll their smokes in a paper bag but for you to compare a sick perverted person, who is a molester a wimp and a truly mental person.(here goes that word) is a racist against the young who in fact cannot defend them selves, you sir are smoking something now, if some one imposed their will on my child, I would gladly do time in jail, and you have the nerve to compare a savage punk @SS person who does the unthinkable to a child, to second hand smoke. check yourself in to your local mental health place, your brain is not working.and you made me so mad, I forgot the topic of the question, you need help on this question, if you don't see no one molesting a child, smoking is not abuse to more thing I am Right now a cancer patient, just finished radiation, so I am mad any way and no one in my family smokes period, and my cancer was not caused by a cigarette, but you know what, we always had a wood burning stove a fireplace in our home, so sometimes we get stuff that has nothing to do with any thing, ask God and pray for his guidance to see you through it all. peace board members.
Please do some research before you spout your nonsensical rhetoric.

Second hand smoke is not bad for you.

Yes, I know that the popular opinion says that it is, however a few hundred years ago popular opinion said the Earth was flat too.

Here is a link to get you started (even though I know you won't actually research this as it is easier to live in ignorance).
no they're not killing their kids by smoking in the house and car. nice fanatical try tho. pedophiles do inhumane things to kids, why would you try comparing or defending them? there is no comparison, the kids that live after an encounter with a pedophile can have long term psychological problems and some physical problems as well.
at least Second-Hand Smoke doesn't rape and molest children, scarring them for life.

Pedophiles harm when people are young, ruining their lives, Smoking doesn't harm all the time and when it does, usually when people are old.

Think about it this way: Would you rather have an Uncle who smoked in front of you everytime you saw him, or who MOLESTED you everytime? What would be worse?
Are you truly this morally confused? I cannot help you grow a conscience. But I think you should really try to sort through this.

Here's some perspective based on the law, at least: I am unable to defend someone charged with child abuse. I simply cannot, as a mother, believe there is for me enough money in the world to live through those details.

I haven't had to defend a smoking mother. Oh, that's right, because it isn't illegal. (trying to refrain from name-calling)
I hate to be Mr Obvious,but you are comparing apples to peanuts. There is no lower form of life than a pedophile.

Added. If I had the choice between eliminating all pedophiles or eliminating all terrorists, the pedophiles would be gone.
Kind of an extreme comparison don't you think. I agree that it is terribly wrong to expose kids to secondhand smoke.Pedophiles on the other hand I, I, I just don't see the comparison.
Are you seriously comparing a smoker to a pedophile? That is so misguided that I can't bring myself to give a serious answer. How about comparing the nazis to someone selling cotton candy? It makes about as much sense.
what do you think is more damaging to a child, air poluttion or physical abuse? you are in the minority if you really think smoking around a kid is worse than sexual abuse. WOW
so are you saying it's better to molest and rape children than smoking in front of them? that seems rather odd don't you think? neither is right, but one is deranged! i'll let you decide which one.
Shut your mouth, most smokers do not smoke around their children. as for pedphiles, they should be castrated and hung while slow drops of b;ood drain their sick and merciless bodies dry.
Are you trying to make a case for being a pedophile? Are you in a California prison right now?
So, Are you going to take kids away from smokers now? You aren't from the Texas CPS are you?
Yeah, smoking is worse than a priest pedophile all right.
cuz pedophiles are way creepier than ur parents
We do hear about about the dangers of second hand smoke.
good question.. child abuse
There is no evidence that second hand smoke kills you. This is an odd question.

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