Thursday, July 29, 2010

What is the best way to look at life with a positive viewpoint? I know this is kinda a rant...?

All in all, my life has been pretty bad. I grew up as a poor white kid in one of the worst ghettos in the state of Illinois. I was raised by psychotic parents that refused to throw anything so I have never been able to have a ';best friend';.

Anyway, I waded through all of my stormy childhood and I am here at college. Remember how college is supposed to be an excellent experience? Well it has not been for me.

For instance, I recently learned my prom date was strangled to death! How often does this happen?!

Then a couple of days later, my next door neighbor came into my room at 3:00am and accidentally urinated all of my books, shoes, binders, and clothes (he sleepwalks). My roommate saw him do it and didn't stop him.

My roommate also didn't lock the door.

Because it wasn't his fault he's not in trouble. I may be able to receive some money though

To make matters worse my boss is a complete prick.

The college I go to absolutely sucks. My advisor is a jerk as well.

Why be happy?What is the best way to look at life with a positive viewpoint? I know this is kinda a rant...?
One reason to be happy-you made it into college! as a poor white kid growing up in the ghetto and not having the best home life you still managed to deal with that while getting what must be decent grades to even make it into college. Start by looking at the things that are going good. Trust me, I know it is sooo much easier to look at the neg. and hear the negative. But you have to believe that you are here on this earth for a reason and that you do matter. Take these challenges and ask yourself what your supposed to learn from it; patience, empathy, strength, kindness, etc. Some day things will turn around for you! just keep finding the positives!!What is the best way to look at life with a positive viewpoint? I know this is kinda a rant...?
What you need to do is start to turn events around so that a negative instantly becomes a positive. You cannot change the sort of child hood you have but you can try to make a much better life for yourself from now on. Don't get mad, get ahead....
I grew up in a simliar environment, family was poor, had no power, no running water, long drop for a toilet, wore hand me downs that wer 10yo, used to wash our clothes in the river. But realised that education was the only means to better myself and my environment. I have a double major and make 110K a year and continuosly do courses to better myself. Money is not everything in life but it makes it a damn lot easier.

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