Thursday, July 29, 2010

Do you find that, whether a Question is topical or not, if just gives (you AND me) the opportunity to RANT?

I see many intelligent, and many not so much intelligent Questions being asked here in Elections on a daily...

NO, make that, an hourly basis.

And, that's all well and good, we are an equal opportunity Q%26amp;A board.

But, do you find that occasionally one or two of these are simply a springboard, an open invitation if you will, to allow yourself the chance to voice a strong opinion, vent an ongoing frustration, some deep seeded displeasure or simply your position on whatever the (political) theme of that Question is?

Then, perhaps in doing so, you don't really answer the question as it was originally put forth?Do you find that, whether a Question is topical or not, if just gives (you AND me) the opportunity to RANT?
and that's why so many questions are and should be deleted.

questions on yahoo answers should be questions seeking knowledge.

a lot of questions asked are simply being asked to get racial, bigoted and hate-filled opinions.

and that's not what this forum is all about.

nothing is wrong with a strong opinion, provided it's not filled with racial comments, hatred and insults to other members on the board.

but unfortunately, too many questions and responses like that have been allowed to remain out here and that has really hurt this Elections forum.Do you find that, whether a Question is topical or not, if just gives (you AND me) the opportunity to RANT?
No. I'm not interested in ranting or reading anybody else's rants. If you have something to say, organize your thoughts and lets have it...otherwise, keep it to yourself!
Yes, I think that's true. Sometimes I want to expand on someone's question, or voice my disagreement with an idea, rather than actually answer the question.
Isn't it fun?
i'd have to say that almost EVERYBODY posting questions in the ';elections'; section is just making a point and looking to have it confirmed. even people who sound reasonable usually have a discernible bias and the best answers they give are inevitably in accordance with it. that said, if someone is using the question format to just state opinions, it doesn't seem wrong to basically do the same in the answers. in a sense it's not really a violation if the question itself isn't really a question, understand?
Definately! I think that is human nature to do that, esp when you feel so passionate about a certain topic and see how many people agree with your rant.

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